If you have family or friends staying with you this Christmas, make sure they feel truly welcome. If your guest bedroom has become the household 'junk' room, set some time aside to plan, declutter and organise the space.
1) Envisage what you want the space to be - a retreat for your guests after a long journey. Remember this will be their home away from home.
2) Remove any boxes or clutter, turning it back into a bedroom rather than a storage space. Throw out or donate items you no longer need and things to be kept can be stored in containers under the bed.
3) Don't forget the wardrobe. Ensure there is some hanging space for guests clothes.
4) Put fresh linen on the bed and leave enough towels for each guest.
5) Leave a basket of comfort items people forget to pack - toothbrush, moisteriser, floss.
6) On the bedside table leave a bottle of water, magazine, notepad and pen and a vase of fresh flowers.
7) A nice touch if you have people staying for more than a couple of nights is a folder of tourist information about your area.
Remember they're there for a good time - not a long time...
Images from marthstewart.com